While each plant is classified as a different species and is a member of a different genus, they are all related. They share similar growing and care requirements and similar physical characteristics. Do research on the variety being planted and whether or not they can be planted together. This is typically only an issue if the seeds are planned to be saved.
Plant seeds in the garden as soon as the soil is warm and dry to give these crops the most significant number of hot days. Get a head start starting seed indoors two to three weeks before the last frost, then transplant seedlings to the garden no sooner than two weeks after the last frost. Do research on the variety being planted. Depending on the variety, it can take anywhere from 55 to 140 days to reach full maturity.
Before planting, get your soil ready. Here is an easy recipe:
4 parts organic garden soil
2 parts Premium Organic Compost
1 part coco coir or sand
½ parts Aged Bark Fines
¼ part biochar (optional)
¼ part chicken manure pellets (optional - making sure not to have them touch plants or roots)
Create a planting mound for each plant to improve drainage further. When planting cucumbers in this potting soil, be sure to provide them with plenty of sun, water, and nutrients to help them grow strong and healthy. You may also want to consider adding some organic fertilizer to the soil periodically throughout the growing season to provide additional nutrients for your plants.
Here are some tips that will help you grow healthy, delicious, and bountiful harvests:
Water with Love: Water your plants deeply once or twice a week, depending on the weather, and ensure the soil remains moist but not waterlogged. Yummy veggies love consistent moisture!
Add Some Mulch: Keep your soil moist and block weeds from invading by mulching around the plants. You can use Softwood Shredded Mulch it's healthier and pretty too!
Give Them Some Support: Cucumbers and some squash varieties need support like trellises, stakes or cages. Offer some early support before the plants get big and heavy so they can grow strong and tall.
Feed Your Babies: Organic fertilizers like compost or aged manure should be your go-to - add them to your plants every 2-3 weeks for healthy growth and fruit production.
Harvest with Care: Harvest your cucumbers and squash when they're firm, shiny, and brightly colored. Picking the fruits frequently will encourage the plants to produce more yumminess!
So, there you have it, darlings! With a bit of love, attention, and these tips, you'll be picking delicious and juicy cucumbers and squash in no time!